May 30, 2012

Lego Gandalf & Frodo

I like being a kid sometimes. Looks great on my desk!

...His hat should be blue, though...

May 24, 2012

New Robot

My latest paper kit Robot Calendar ... robot! 

Sketch of the Day

Here's yesterday's sketch. It is an image of Corbin, one of my 2 main protagonists for that story that I'm working on.

Yes I'm aware that he sort of looks like a tall, thin leprechaun. Coincidence, but a funny one!

Also, now that I look at it after a day, I've noticed all sorts of physical abnormalities, even for a cartoon character. YIKES. I'll have to be more careful next time.

May 21, 2012

Sketch of the Day

Last night, while being drowsy with sleep deprivation, I felt like drawing a dinosaur. So I drew a dinosaur (quick sketch, 5-10 mins). I meant to post it last night but forgot HOW to do so. So here it is. There will be another sketch later today.

UPDATE: Poor Caroline was sick all last night. She's out of commission for my last day of parental leave. SIGH. the universe is a jerk sometimes.

May 20, 2012


So Caroline and I went out on a date last night (first time in...). It was really nice: shared a pitcher of Mojito at Milestones and then walked around the market. The weather was perfect, there was a nice crowd and then we bought candy at Sugar Mountain. Some of said candy was eaten on a park bench while we listened to a crazy man talk about "crazy shit" that he was excited to show to some "man" who was hovering over his head and a bit to the left. Ha ha!

This morning we're making stuff for a late Mother's day brunch/lunch. 

Two more days of holiday, then back to the Salt Mines.

And that's it for now! 

Here's a mogwai statue/toy that I'll be getting eventually. So awesome:

May 19, 2012


Damien is 10 lbs today! He'll be a whole month old this Tuesday. This when I also happen to return to work, so it will be a mixed blessing day.

Current Projects:

1. Preparing a WFRP 3 campaign 

It will be called Die Vampire Die! or DVD! for short. My father will be joining us. He's playing a Green (Jade) Wizard. This is gonna be really fun. I'm designing a huge 11x17 hex grid map for the players to explore. I've got some small, circular label stickers on which I'll print all of the different kinds of terrain (plains, swamp, forest, mountains, etc...). When they find a special landmark, I'll draw a little black tower or similar icon.

2. Landscaping

We're waiting to book an appointment for an estimate with Rona. Ideally, we'll have the front yard completely done (getting rid of all the crappy grass and replacing with stone) and the back yard patio and deck. It is more important to have the back yard done for Caroline, who is on Maternity Leave, and it would be nice for her to have a nice backyard to hang out in with the baby.

3. Lego Minifig Stand

To better display my collection of Lego minifigs, I'll try to make a stepped podium to display them all, and with some space left over for any other ones that I get in the future.

Here are the latest Lego Minifigs that I wanted to get out of the last series: