So yeah, I finally wish to get a tattoo or two.
I want subtle, nice designs that will still look okay when they fade over time, especially when I'm old and wrinkled.
So I'll be posting images of tattoos that I like and invite reader feedback.
Here's a nice one: a locket. I don't think I'd want it heart shaped or with flowers, but anyway, you get the idea.
That is pretty nifty. I really like the style of it.
Did I show you the one that I designed that I think I'm too chicken to get?
The wings for your feet? Yeah I think that's an AWESOME idea!
It's funny 'cause I just stumbled upon some design ideas I had back in 2009 for some tattoos. I'll post them on my blog.
... but I can't seem to find the wings that I made :( I think the PSD file is at home, hopefully!
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